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We have a vast production knowledge of constructing shopping mall decorations, museums, road shows, exhibitions, fairs and carnivals.

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VBF Film – 納米固態銀離子抗菌貼膜

2020年︰全球各地受到新型病毒沖擊,令大家重新意識到細菌病毒的嚴重性與防疫措施的重要。所以,依迪引入本地公司VBF研發的「納米固態銀離子抗菌貼膜」,將貼膜應用到經常接觸的物件上,減低接觸性傳播風險。 ✅根據美國EPA指引,能有效殺滅2019新型冠狀病毒 ✅有效殺菌達致99.9%-大腸桿菌,金黃葡萄球菌,腸道沙門氏菌 (SGS)✅抗菌期有效期不少於24個月✅能快於十秒內殺滅病菌❗✅殺滅及抑制細菌、病毒繁殖✅長效保持無菌狀態 ❌不含任何化學物料,對人體無害 固態銀離子的優點︰✅ 較噴霧式塗層分佈更密集平均✅ 生產至安裝整個過程對人體無害✅ 清潔簡便(可用視水、 清潔劑及稀釋的酒精、 漂白水)✅ 節省人手定期清潔及長期購買消毒劑成本✅ 無味 納米固態銀離子抗菌貼膜採用3M貼紙並加上殺菌鍍膜,持續殺菌,為你製造無菌表面。 抗菌貼膜應用 :⭕餐桌枱面、自助下單機、員工POS機⭕輕觸式指南、出入口門柄、升降機按扭、欄杆⭕接待處、診所取藥處、把脈枱 ⭕課室書枱、廁所洗手盆/門柄⭕員工工作枱面等 已認可客戶 : 深受商場、商廈、學校等使用,其中包括:📍World Trade Centre📍D2 Place One & Two📍AXA Tower, Landmark East📍AIA Kowloon Tower, Landmark East📍仁愛堂田家炳綜合醫療中心📍嗇色園黃大仙祠📍世界龍岡學校朱瑞蘭中英文幼稚園 Production XpressContinue readingVBF Film – 納米固態銀離子抗菌貼膜

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Acrylic / Glassy Production

We are also professional in custom made acrylic/ glassy cover for protecting the display and even preventing the COVID-19.

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3M™ 防曬隔熱玻璃薄膜

  每到夏天,猛烈陽光直射玻璃,搞到室內又熱又曬!要小心:原來玻璃唔做防曬隔熱措施,仲會導致更多問題: 🤦🏻‍♀傢具裝潢物料長期受日光照射,會加速老化,出現裂紋或褪色🤦🏻‍♀室內温度增加,加重冷氣負荷🤦🏻‍♀紫外線入侵室內,皮膚急速老化,女士們最怕啊!🤦🏻‍♀夏天颱風季節,有關窗戶受損、爆玻璃的新聞不絕於耳。 面對緊相同問題,點算好?3M™防曬隔熱玻璃薄膜幫到你! #了解更多隔熱貼膜資料 立即睇下介紹➡️ #免費上門度尺 立即預約 了解更多: 【晴報專訪】: 管家王|西斜救星一貼降溫5°C 專家教揀防曬隔熱膜 拆解價錢+效用+迷思 Whatsapp Youtube Instagram

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Silkscreen Printing

We are professional in custom made silkscreen printing projects for long-term use of directory, signage and feature wall. It is high line and colour precision with incomparable intensity. What are the benefits of silk-screen printing?–Continue readingSilkscreen Printing

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Provide professional advice on signage project.   It is of vital importance that we provide site-visit with measurement and consultation service with clients directly. 

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We enlighten the event decoration. With years of experience in setting up different kinds of event, we always help setup large scale international events overseas. To make sure those color meet the international standard, allContinue readingEvent

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We also specify in setting up the artwork production for the special booths.

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Shopping Mall

We have a vast knowledge of production and constructing shopping mall decorations and carnivals.

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3M Products

Solar window film can reduce electricity consumption by effective heat reduction, and the feature of UV protective offers a safe environment to the human body. 4ML-6ML safety film can effectively resist the possibility of rupture causedContinue reading3M Products

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We can provide a wide range of POS materials. Many years of experience and market knowledge makes us specialists on your POSM production. All the time we’re trying to provide the consultation and planning serviceContinue readingPOSM / VM